function Calendar_constructor(element, overrides) {
var t = this;
t.initOptions(overrides || {}); var options = this.options;
// Exports // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t.render = render; t.destroy = destroy; t.refetchEvents = refetchEvents; t.reportEvents = reportEvents; t.reportEventChange = reportEventChange; t.rerenderEvents = renderEvents; // `renderEvents` serves as a rerender. an API method t.changeView = renderView; // `renderView` will switch to another view = select; t.unselect = unselect; t.prev = prev; = next; t.prevYear = prevYear; t.nextYear = nextYear; = today; t.gotoDate = gotoDate; t.incrementDate = incrementDate; t.zoomTo = zoomTo; t.getDate = getDate; t.getCalendar = getCalendar; t.getView = getView; t.option = option; t.trigger = trigger;
options.monthNames = ['1월', '2월', '3월', '4월', '5월', '6월', '7월', '8월', '9월', '10월', '11월', '12월']; options.monthNamesShort = ['1월', '2월', '3월', '4월', '5월', '6월', '7월', '8월', '9월', '10월', '11월', '12월']; options.dayNames = ['일요일', '월요일', '화요일', '수요일', '목요일', '금요일', '토요일']; options.dayNamesShort = ['일요일', '월요일', '화요일', '수요일', '목요일', '금요일', '토요일'];
// Language-data Internals // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Apply overrides to the current language's data
var localeData = createObject( // make a cheap copy getMomentLocaleData(options.lang) // will fall back to en );
if (options.monthNames) { localeData._months = options.monthNames; } if (options.monthNamesShort) { localeData._monthsShort = options.monthNamesShort; } if (options.dayNames) { localeData._weekdays = options.dayNames; } if (options.dayNamesShort) { localeData._weekdaysShort = options.dayNamesShort; } if (options.firstDay != null) { var _week = createObject(localeData._week); // _week: { dow: # } _week.dow = options.firstDay; localeData._week = _week; }
// assign a normalized value, to be used by our .week() moment extension localeData._fullCalendar_weekCalc = (function(weekCalc) { if (typeof weekCalc === 'function') { return weekCalc; } else if (weekCalc === 'local') { return weekCalc; } else if (weekCalc === 'iso' || weekCalc === 'ISO') { return 'ISO'; } })(options.weekNumberCalculation);
// Calendar-specific Date Utilities // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------